Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Time Is Now!

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
—John 10:10

We must learn to be "now" people and not relegate everything to the future.

I believe it is time to possess the land, time to get very serious. We need to take a more aggressive stand concerning possessing what Jesus died to give us. We can think about it, dream about it, talk about it, but it is time to actually have and enjoy all that Jesus has in mind for each of us.

The blessings of God don't simply fall on us. We must stand our ground and possess what is rightfully ours. We can easily get the mistaken idea that we are to limp along here on earth while just looking forward to the blessings of heaven later on.

Have an aggressive faith toward the covenant blessings that God has promised. Start confessing that you are blessed and that the good things of God flow to you in abundance.

The Greater One lives in you. You can do whatever you need to do by His power. Believe it! Don't wait to believe it until later on, but do it now.

Make a decision to be a "now" person.

Say This:
"I believe now, I obey now, I give now, I pray now. I am possessing the land—not later, but now!"

Thanks: Joyce Meyer Ministries

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